


     Our target is to create an environment and belief that we can always meet our promise to our customers. Further, with the commitment of all, our customer experience with us will be complaint-free with all promises met.

 " We work to achieve our customer promise through the engagement of all persons and a business partnership that creates pride in the workmanship of our products and continuous improvement in our skills and processes. "   

       Having said that, we realize very well there is always room for improvement. There is no point doing anything in business unless you are thinking about how it will change the way our customers do business. That is why at APQ, we are so serious about improving customer experience.

           Gone are the days when customer interaction was the sole responsibility of those with ‘customer service’ in their title. Today, delivering an exceptional customer experience is the focus of every person in our business.




      Customer Support is a range of services that APQ offers to help its customers make the most of the company's products and increase satisfaction.

      Our goal is not customer support to find a quick solution to every problem. It's about building a long-term relationship where every interaction with the customer offers opportunities for deeper and more valuable interaction.


        APQ principles for providing excellent customer support are:


•Preparing the right tools for the team
•Building self-reliance support capabilities for customers
•Applying key expertise to the support team
•Delegating the necessary authority to team members to effectively and efficiently use their skills and expertise
•Strengthening effective problem solving
•Facilitating customer service as much as possible
•Giving more priority to direct communication with support specialists than to automated methods.
•Data collecting and use it to continuously improve support methods






       In many cases, customers only identify their needs and problems in the process and are expected to develop and create appropriate solutions. Companies such as APQ help them and provide viable and workable solutions.


APQ due to working with  experienced engineers and specialists as well as international pioneer companies, has always tried to provide the most appropriate possible solutions in such situations through a completely friendly and specialized relationship with customer experts.






•Developing a customer relationship network.
•Earning the trust of business partners
•Creating the necessary international infrastructure for working with customers and business partners.
•Enhancing our technical and business relations with great international companies
•Improve the quality and create more value for our customers.
•Developing a network of competent, agile and highly qualified suppliers and manufacturers
•Developing and offering new products based on the latest technologies.
•Enhancing the company management and control by outsourcing the technical, engineering and operational processes.