

      Today, advances in the construction of grippers used in robotic systems have created incredible advantages in accuracy and efficiency in robotic systems used in manufacturing operations. Due to the growing use of grippers in various industries, it can be said that today in the world of industry, grippers have become one of the most important and practical equipment used in robotic production lines. 


Types of robotic grippers

     Grippers vary depending on the application and the type of material, and their type of use also varies. Its types are as follows*:

Hydraulic, Suction, Pnumatic, Jamming, Magnetic, soft & flexible, Two finger, Servo-electric, Three-finger, adaptive or multi finger.


* Here grippers are separated based on the methods used to power the gripper, but there are other ways to distinguish gripper types, such as by form, which results in terms like 'parallel gripper', 'soft gripper' and 'angular gripper.'


Types  of robotic grippers in APQ

     Grippers vary depending on the application and the type of material, and their type of use also varies. Normally APQ's gripper expertise is grouped into the following types, but we are always interested in special and custom projects based on customer requirements.

 1- Pneumatic handling  grippers


     These type of grippers work with compressed air, cylinders and pistons. Therefore, according to all pneumatic systems, an air source is required to expose the piston or pistons embedded in the gripper to the compressed air and cause the gripper jaws to be closed on the processed object.

     Obviously, after performing the required operations, the compressed air is evacuated and the gripper jaws return to the open position.

The main task of these grippers is only to carry parts between workstations. These types of grippers are widely used in different industries.


2- Geometrical Grippers

     In addition to carrying the work piece the gripper also responsible for keeping it fixed  during production process such as welding, forming, Hemming and so on. In better words, they are mobile fixtures. According to the type of function, the structure of these grippers can be a combination of fixtures and handling grippers. This kind of grippers can be equipped with Pneumatic or electrical clamps.

3- Grippers as a part of fixture

     Finally, we have grippers that do not carry the piece and are actually a part of the fixture, which must be mobile according to the limitations and functional requirements of the fixture.

         In the case of needing mobile fixtures in high-rate production lines, one of the best options is always to use a robot. Therefore, engineers design and manufacture such fixtures by considering all the influencing factors.



Important Note: For category 2 and 3 grippers, it is always best to design and manufacture the fixed fixture and associated gripper by an integrated team.